Inside-Out: Individual Freedom within Unity, Holland, Feb 3-5, 2017


Individual Freedom within Unity

With Bart ten Berge & Georgi Y. Johnson

ISSP, Biotoop, Haren, Netherlands,

Feb 3-4-5, 2017

A 3-Day gathering to become aware of the perpetual flow between the personal and the whole. Introducing techniques of titration (slowing time, expanding space), to relax the contraction between ‘inner’ self and the ‘outer’ world.

Through allowing our awareness to touch the energetic border we believe to exist between ourselves and others, together with the energy sources of contraction that upkeep it, a natural quickening of energy allows a greater flexibility and fluidity to form in real time in social and environmental contexts. This by itself, builds a greater trust in the spontaneous freedom of manifestation which is possible beyond all pre-held formulation.

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