Out of Emptiness – Graduate Seminar, Israel

Thursday 30th October – 1nd November 2014

Herzl 26, Zichron Yaakov,
Contact: SMS 972 524297196

“Once you realize that the road is the goal and that you are always on the road, not to reach a goal, but to enjoy its beauty and its wisdom, life ceases to be a task and becomes natural and simple, in itself an ecstasy.”

Nisargadatta Maharaj

There are two ways to work with emptiness, reflecting the inner-outer movements of the universe.

The first is to let our consciousness and awareness be carried through form (thoughts and feelings) supported by the wisdom that all that which can be seen or felt is temporary and by no means an absolute limitation on that which is able to think, feel and experience.

In this movement, many thought structures and forms of feeling that have limited our experience are liberated in an increasing process of freedom.

The second is to step backwards, surrendering to that which is even beyond our individual perception. This is a space behind peace and love, and beyond infinity and eternity.

It is the space referred to by Nisargadatta Maharaj in the book on self-realization I AM THAT. This space, found only through an inner movement of allowance and non-attachment to all form, brings us to the source of all we are.
In the art of living a human process, both movements open the way to increased freedom and strength in our daily lives.

Price for 3 days: 1350 NIS